It's that time of the year again!
Santa and his elves need your help. On the evening of Tuesday, December 12 the yearly Operation Santa Claus delivery of toys to needy Daly City, Colma, and Broadmoor families will take place.
Volunteers are asked to come to the Serramonte Fire Station #94, located at 444 Gellert Boulevard here in Daly City, please arrive by 6:15pm as we will start loading cars promptly at 6:45pm. The lineup of cars will start in the fire station parking lot, which is located on Wembley Drive between Callan and Gellert Boulevards. The line will extend out of the parking lot along the north side of Wembley Drive and up the hill toward the entrance to Gellert Park and then around the corner and on the east side of Callan Boulevard. An Operation Santa Claus Volunteer will be guiding the delivery vehicles into the proper line-up location. After lining up your car, please come to the front driveway of the Firehouse for a "take away" refreshment and instructions.
DRIVERS: Please have at least two people per vehicle and bring flashlights as walkways up to some houses can be very dark. It would be most helpful if as many volunteers as possible came to deliver these items in trucks with tarps, sports utility vehicles, and vans so as to enable the delivery of larger items.